Sunday, April 19, 2015

Can You Name A GREAT Progressive?

In America, I suppose the names Franklin D. Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and Margaret Sanger would appear on the "great" progressive list, correct? Current names are Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Rahm Emmanual (Chicago Mayor and former Obama staff member), Eric Holder, Elizabeth Warren, oh and now maybe Jonathan Gruber, architect of ObamaCare. No real harm has come from any of them, right? Well, there is Benghazi (4 DEAD), Fast and Furious (Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and countless Mexican nationals DEAD)....need I say more? How about the rising murder rate in Chicago? But, Elizabeth Warren hasn't harmed anyone, as far as we know. I'll give you that. Lying about your heritage to get tax-payer funded education preferences, no harm in that right? No, to a "Progressive" that is admirable behavior. Jonathan Gruber is responsible for Obamacare. There's no telling, yet, how many have already died because they lost their medical insurance and have no ability to pay for their cancer or heart condition treatments. Then there's the infamous "death panels" in the law, but, not really (according to "Progressives").

Let's go back further. There is that bankrupt Social Security Ponzi scheme which will, eventually, take down the whole of the American economy. No real harm in that, right? And, Wilson? Blame for the continuation of the first great war, setting up the conditions for the second world war, and the loss of 118 million Americans (not counting the loss of life in the second great war) goes to him. And, Margaret Sanger's favorite "Progressive" idea? Oh, yeah, that would be eugenics. The founder of Planned Parenthood set in motion the elimination of that pesky, inconvenient tissue that, if nurtured and allowed to grow would have resulted in the lives of about 56 million Americans to date. Gee, I wonder if one of those 56 million could have been the one to discover the cure for cancer? We will never know. Other than that though, what did they do that was really great?

I suppose, since "Progressives" hang their hats on abortion, from their perspective, Margaret Sanger is one of their "greats". I just don't think most normal Americans would agree. They do also hang their hat on the "New Deal" from FDR. However, it's an unconstitutional mess that Roosevelt himself knew was problematic. Or, he wouldn't have threatened to pack the Supreme Court with like-minded judges in order to coerce the crop on the bench at the time to look the other way on it, right? Kind of like recent times. History may someday tell us what pressure was applied to Chief Justice John Roberts to re-write the ObamaCare law to make it a little more palatable, if not actually more Constitutional. So, I'm sure we can blame the precedent of threatening Supreme Court judges on FDR, a progressive democrat. Lovely. "Great" progressive ideals in action!

In other countries and in history, one can find many more examples of the kind of people the progressive movement hold up as ideal. Just look at who our current crop of "progressives" highlight and revere.....Mao (45 million dead), Stalin (34 to 49 million dead), Che (rumored responsible for 4,000 deaths), and Castro (30,000 dead). Sterling characters all, right?

Please, tell me what is so attractive about "Progressive" ideas? If you are taking the word at it's definition, you must then look at who we are labeling as a person for "progress". Is communism associated with progress? Really? I believe the ideology was if not begun, but given a boost in 1848 by a man by the name of Karl Marx who wrote the "Communist Manifesto". This is PROGRESS? How many times, in how many countries has communism been tried since that time? WHERE has it succeeded in making life a Utopia for those inflicted? No, I believe the MILLIONS killed while striving for the perfect "Progressive" Utopia are an indication that they have no idea HOW to eliminate their "Progressive" penchant for barbarism. Progressives in our country like to make fun of conservative ideals and point out how we wish to go back to the 1950's. Well, if you pay attention to history, you would know that the 1950's were actually one of the most prosperous and happy times in this country. You really don't have a leg to stand on if you're going to use that as an example of "bad" times. NO. With a person of the left, up is down, left is right, and their use of the word "Progressive" is just an indication that they know that the results of their "ideals" is just the opposite.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Arrogance of the Left

This week we have been treated with the story of a video speech by Jonathan Gruber, MIT economist and architect of Romney-Obamacare. In case you missed it, what follows is an excerpt of what he said last year at a conference regarding the ACA law:

"This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes. If CBO [Congressional Budget Office] scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies. Okay, so it’s written to do that. In terms of risk rated subsidies, if you had a law which said that healthy people are going to pay in – you made explicit healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed… Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really really critical for the thing to pass....Look, I wish Mark was right that we could make it all transparent, but I’d rather have this law than not."

(As an aside, isn't it deliciously appropriate that he has the same last name as the very stylish and arrogant villian, Hans Gruber, in the first and best "Die Hard" movie?)

PAY ATTENTION TO ME ON THIS: He is not saying we are stupid in general. He is saying we are too stupid to know what is good for us. Only "people of the left" know what is right and good. We cannot be allowed to exercise our right to protest and to undermine all the things they want to do to.....uh, for us. So, we must be deceived.

The last sentence in the excerpt above says it all. He'd rather have this law than not. Really? This tortured (his word) monstrosity that is forcing businesses to choose between having full time employees or paying exorbitant medical insurance costs? The increased premium costs that will be bankrupting most if not all of the middle class and is driving doctors to retire early? How about all the self-employed people who lost their health policies last year due to this monstrosity? Does it make any impact in his arrogant little mind that some of those people were in cancer treatments or other dire circumstances? No, let me tell you right now, it does not. Because, this law is for the "greater good". Individual circumstances do not have any impact on a leftist. The political benefits, the POWER, was much more important to the typical leftist than anything else.

Again, calling us "stupid" is not surprising in the least. The left calls the American people this in different ways, many times per day. However, it is striking to me how he admits that they all had to lie to ensure it passed. This lets us know that he doesn't think we are too stupid to realize how bad the law was and is. If they realized deception was needed, they knew we were going to protest it and it might not pass. He is saying that the fact that we would protest this law at all is what makes us stupid. We just don't get how much more they know about what is good for us. And, that they would do anything to ensure it passed. Makes one wonder what kind of pressure was applied to Supreme Court Justice John Roberts in the months prior to June 2012, hmmmm?

Monday, May 13, 2013

IRS Targeted Americans Who Distrusted This Government? Say it isn't so!

What's so surprising about all this reporting is not that the IRS did it.

Really, it isn't.

What's surprising is that the main stream media is reporting it and the IRS supposedly "apologized" for doing it. What is the real game here? Maybe they know that current reporting on Benghazi is so devastating to the Obama dictatorship....uh, I mean Regime, they will give up, and allow to be reported, their Gestapo-like tactics at the IRS to distract from it? Afterall, no brave Americans died defending their country, while being refused help, at the IRS. I think, if I was a democrat, I would instead choose that the press pay attention to the IRS' boot on the neck of conservative groups, too.

After all, if I'm a "low-information" (LI) democrat, I sure wouldn't want to take my head out of the sand long enough see how my party disregards and treats brave Americans in harms way and under fire. Democrats, as a rule, dislike the military and discount their effectiveness in urgent situations. As an LI democrat, I wouldn't want to see that the people I reflexively vote for are incompetent and uncaring of fellow Americans. No, I wouldn't want to see that at all. You can't force me to believe it, no matter how much truth is in the media everywhere that supports that fact.

So, we have an IRS scandal brewing. Ho hum. This is nothing but confirmation of the tactics of entitled and unsupervised schoolyard children and the left. Why so surprised? Does the sun rise in the east? Yes, to people whose eyes are open it is as obvious as that. The obvious cure here is to never vote for another republican (there are a few) or democrat leftist (most, if not all) again.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Look Behind the Curtain

During Rand Paul's fillibuster of John Brennan's nomination yesterday, the actor, John Cusack hit Twitter with some obviously incredulous comments....

John, I hate to disabuse you of your delusions, but you need to look behind the curtain of your party. They are not about civil liberties. They are not about "caring" for the American people. They ARE about POWER. Do look at the video yesterday of Eric Holder and Ted Cruz regarding drone attacks on Americans at an American cafe. Very enlightening.

If you had also looked behind the curtain on Obamacare, you would see that there is nothing about medical care for all Americans in that legislation. What we will have is FEAR. Fear if you vote for anything other than a Progressive Democrat. Because "as the secretary will determine" is how "care" will be determined. If you know anything about these people, if your votes include nods for anyone other than (D), you will not see any care, medical or otherwise.

The Declaration of Independence and United States Constitution were written for the common man to know and understand. At less than 10,000 words plus additional history and thoughts behind those 10,000 words in the Federalist Papers, it is hard not to understand the intent of the Framers.

So, what do you think is the purpose of the "Affordable" Care Act being almost 380,000 words? Well, obviously to confuse and create turmoil.

Yes, it is time for the American people to look behind the curtain. Will you, Mr. Cusack?

Monday, December 24, 2012

Common Sense and the Big Picture

I believe I have a healthy dose of common sense and am very good at seeing the big picture of most topics. I am not very religious. However, I do not disbelieve. I am as much of a moral person as I am able to be due to my early exposure to religion and my inherent wish to learn and enjoy the benefits of all that is good and beautiful in this life. I know there is something greater than us and I hope for something better after this life. I know that we cannot each individually advance without striving to be the best we are able to be while ensuring we do not encroach on others. This is essentially what the American founding is all about, too.

I do not study religion. However, I believe that the Judeo-Christian philosophy is a necessary part of the advancement of man. I am only discussing Judeo-Christian philosophy because I have no direct experience with other peaceful religions. I know that the Bible is sort of a guidebook, if you will, to a happy life. It is an instruction guide, if followed, that would ensure people will deal with each other humanely in all of life's situations. Different interpretations of the Bible is where the problems, in a religious sense, have shown themselves. It is not the Bible or religion that is at fault, but people and their own interpretations that cause all of these problems. Yes, I mean ALL.

Of course, I look at things from an optimistic point of view. If you are naturally a pessimist, you will have a hard road in this life and it generally will show in all you do. If, however, you are able to see the big picture in all of life's events, you will see that MAN and their erroneous interpretations of the way things should be, is the cause of most suffering, not religion. Where we reach the Divine is when a person can look beyond themselves and really see how their actions affect themselves and others. The Bible gives us step-by-step guidance on how to reach the Divine in life, and possibly, thereafter. It is to the detriment of man-kind that we are allowing the Bible to be seen or ridiculed as a joke and as "uncool". Purging it from our educational system will ensure ignorance and, ultimately, destroy our country.

Monday, December 17, 2012

The Shock is Over, Now What?

What seemed to me to be obvious, apparently, was less obvious to all who voted and who did not bother to vote. Yes, not voting was voting for Obama. How do all you lazy whiners feel now that America's worst nightmare is going to be installed into our White House for another FOUR years?  I hope there is SOME remorse in your hearts.

Obama's job is not done, it seems. We all must suffer more economic pain and degradation before these final four years are up. What will this country look like then? I fear it will no longer be America.

While they debate raising income taxes, we all suffer the hidden tax of continuous money printing. Or, as government "intelligencia" like to call it, "Quantitative Easing". Devaluing our monetary system will decimate our economy and they want more income taxes, ON TOP OF THAT. Yes, go ahead, tax the rich. They won't pay. They will leave. They have the money and the mobility to escape it. Or, in the case of corporations, they will pass the additional tax on to the consumer. And, we the consumers will even pay those taxes, too! Yes, that is why so many people say that corporations DO NOT PAY TAXES!!! Get it? The ignorant or "low information voter" do not seem to understand that "Quantitative Easing" is stealthily taking away all of our welfare checks, our savings, our salaries, our retirement checks, our liberty, our everything. I guess 52% of the population enjoy this circumstance and $4.00 a gallon gasoline. Go figure!

Mitt Romney is a good man. It was a clear choice between good and evil. No, not perfect....GOOD. At least it was clear for people who actually had their eyes open. But, for many, it was preferable to sacrifice the good for the NON-EXISTENT perfect. Romney might not have done anything to end the Fed. However, he would have stopped the printing presses! You like the stealth tax we are all paying in the inflation that results by devaluing our dollar? Sure, just stay home and vote for Obama in absentia. The inflation is hidden, so far, if you don't look at gas prices. Some things I buy regularly keep their prices the same but reduce the size of their products. That will fool many. Or, the ignorant will blame the product manufacturer rather than the real culprit, the Federal Reserve and the Marxist government it is serving.

The people who stayed home sicken me more than the idiots who actually got off their couches and voted for the Marxist. The lazy and dissatisfied with Romney kept their votes from him KNOWING Obama would destroy this country. Most people who physically voted for Obama did so UNKNOWINGLY. They deserve our pity. The others, our contempt.

Now what? I don't know. Keep acting like this is still America and maybe we'll be able to teach American principles to the people around us. Keep fighting and teaching. It won't happen overnight, but good does always triumph over evil eventually. It might not happen in our lifetimes, but if we fight hard, maybe it will happen in our children's. Giving up is not the American way.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Obama's Job is Done

With great fan-fare, Barack Obama was elected into office as the 44th President of the United States in November 2008. He thought his job was to "fundamentally transform" these United States. In a way, he was correct. His view of what the transformation should look like was not exactly what happened, however. Oh, yes, he did manage, without one Republican vote, to squeak through a step towards socialized medicine that is so full of bureaucratic nonsense. It is that one bit of horrendous legislation, and his single-minded devotion to it, that was the beginning of his undoing.

America has awakened. That was Barack Obama's job. That's it. He will be voted out in a landslide later today and Americans have had a proper 4 year lesson.

Hidden from view from all but the very discerning, the true nature of the Democrat Party has been exposed. For 4 relentless years we've been bombarded with the "civil rights" issue of gay "marriage", the "right" to kill unborn babies, the "truth" that all Republicans, Tea Partiers, and evangelicals are racist, even in the face of the truth that the people that keep bringing up skin color issues are the true racists. However, when they voted out God and references to Jeruselum from their platform at the convention, scrambled to put it back in at the protest of many people on the floor, they drove in the final nail. Digging into the grave, stirring up the maggot-ridden dirt, is Benghazi. No minor issue. But, let's not forget that Obama had to add, "voting is the best revenge".

Yes, America is awake and it is not lost on us the beauty of Romney's response, "vote for love of country".