Monday, December 17, 2012

The Shock is Over, Now What?

What seemed to me to be obvious, apparently, was less obvious to all who voted and who did not bother to vote. Yes, not voting was voting for Obama. How do all you lazy whiners feel now that America's worst nightmare is going to be installed into our White House for another FOUR years?  I hope there is SOME remorse in your hearts.

Obama's job is not done, it seems. We all must suffer more economic pain and degradation before these final four years are up. What will this country look like then? I fear it will no longer be America.

While they debate raising income taxes, we all suffer the hidden tax of continuous money printing. Or, as government "intelligencia" like to call it, "Quantitative Easing". Devaluing our monetary system will decimate our economy and they want more income taxes, ON TOP OF THAT. Yes, go ahead, tax the rich. They won't pay. They will leave. They have the money and the mobility to escape it. Or, in the case of corporations, they will pass the additional tax on to the consumer. And, we the consumers will even pay those taxes, too! Yes, that is why so many people say that corporations DO NOT PAY TAXES!!! Get it? The ignorant or "low information voter" do not seem to understand that "Quantitative Easing" is stealthily taking away all of our welfare checks, our savings, our salaries, our retirement checks, our liberty, our everything. I guess 52% of the population enjoy this circumstance and $4.00 a gallon gasoline. Go figure!

Mitt Romney is a good man. It was a clear choice between good and evil. No, not perfect....GOOD. At least it was clear for people who actually had their eyes open. But, for many, it was preferable to sacrifice the good for the NON-EXISTENT perfect. Romney might not have done anything to end the Fed. However, he would have stopped the printing presses! You like the stealth tax we are all paying in the inflation that results by devaluing our dollar? Sure, just stay home and vote for Obama in absentia. The inflation is hidden, so far, if you don't look at gas prices. Some things I buy regularly keep their prices the same but reduce the size of their products. That will fool many. Or, the ignorant will blame the product manufacturer rather than the real culprit, the Federal Reserve and the Marxist government it is serving.

The people who stayed home sicken me more than the idiots who actually got off their couches and voted for the Marxist. The lazy and dissatisfied with Romney kept their votes from him KNOWING Obama would destroy this country. Most people who physically voted for Obama did so UNKNOWINGLY. They deserve our pity. The others, our contempt.

Now what? I don't know. Keep acting like this is still America and maybe we'll be able to teach American principles to the people around us. Keep fighting and teaching. It won't happen overnight, but good does always triumph over evil eventually. It might not happen in our lifetimes, but if we fight hard, maybe it will happen in our children's. Giving up is not the American way.

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