With great fan-fare, Barack Obama was elected into office as the 44th President of the United States in November 2008. He thought his job was to "fundamentally transform" these United States. In a way, he was correct. His view of what the transformation should look like was not exactly what happened, however. Oh, yes, he did manage, without one Republican vote, to squeak through a step towards socialized medicine that is so full of bureaucratic nonsense. It is that one bit of horrendous legislation, and his single-minded devotion to it, that was the beginning of his undoing.
America has awakened. That was Barack Obama's job. That's it. He will be voted out in a landslide later today and Americans have had a proper 4 year lesson.
Hidden from view from all but the very discerning, the true nature of the Democrat Party has been exposed. For 4 relentless years we've been bombarded with the "civil rights" issue of gay "marriage", the "right" to kill unborn babies, the "truth" that all Republicans, Tea Partiers, and evangelicals are racist, even in the face of the truth that the people that keep bringing up skin color issues are the true racists. However, when they voted out God and references to Jeruselum from their platform at the convention, scrambled to put it back in at the protest of many people on the floor, they drove in the final nail. Digging into the grave, stirring up the maggot-ridden dirt, is Benghazi. No minor issue. But, let's not forget that Obama had to add, "voting is the best revenge".
Yes, America is awake and it is not lost on us the beauty of Romney's response, "vote for love of country".